On March 20, 1762, the Right Worshipful Jeremy Gridley, Provincial Grand Master for North America, issued his deputation to Brother Alexander Ross of Falmouth, empowering him to congregate the brethren in that vicinity into a regular Lodge with himself as Master.

Brother Ross was a wealthy merchant, a native of Scotland, who had been made a Mason in the old First Lodge in Boston in 1749. He was, however, a very sick man, suffering from an incurable disease. Consequently, he never acted under his deputation.

After his death the brethren in Falmouth petitioned the Provincial Grand Master for renewed authority.

Pursuant to this Charter Brother William Tyng organized the first Lodge in Maine, known at first simply as the Lodge at Falmouth. There were ten charter members: William Tyng, Thomas Oxnard, John Greenwood, Jedediah Preble, John Lowthner, John Ross, Arthur Howell, Richard Codman, Timothy McDaniel, and William Campbell. The first meeting was held on May 8, 1769. Brother Tyng read his commission, and appointed Thomas Oxnard, Senior Warden, and John Greenwood, Junior Warden. The brethren elected Jedediah Preble as Treasurer, adopted a code of By-laws, voted to meet the third Wednesday of each month, voted that each member provide himself with an apron at his own expense, and received an application. Thus Masonry came to Maine.

The Lodge conferred its first degree, that of Fellow Craft, upon Brother Abraham Osgood on May 17, 1769. Its first candidate, Daniel Ilsley, was initiated on the same date.

Brother William Tyng, the first Master of the Lodge, was a man of much distinction. He was High Sheriff of Cumberland County and a Colonel in the British Army. He married the only daughter of Brother Alexander Ross. He was made a Mason in Second Lodge, Boston, on June 16, 1762.

R.W Ralph J. Pollard
Past Deputy Grand Master
Grand Lodge Historian
“Freemasonry in Maine 1762 - 1945”



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