Called From Labor To Rest

Dearest Brethren:
Masonic funeral service will be held for Very Worshipful Isaac Arribas, Jr. on Saturday, January 17th, 2015.
VW Isaac was the father-in-law to our Worshipful Master Peter Benitez.
Services begin at 2 p.m.
All members of Mission Lodge No. 169 are required to attend.
This event is open to family, friends, all masons and invited guests.
Dress code is business attire or coat & tie.
Very Worshipful Isaac Firmeza Arribas, Jr.'s Masonic Resume is below:
Raised in Island-luz-Minerva No. 5 on August 22, 1970.
Affiliated with St. Johns-Corregidor No. 3, F. & A.M.
Worshipful Master, St. John’s-Corregidor Lodge No. 3- 1974.
Past Junior Grand Lecturer, Grand Lodge of the Philippines 1991.
Past Senior Grand Lecturer, Grand Lodge of the Philippines 1992.
Most Outstanding Master Mason, Grand Lodge of the Philippines, 1982.
Ambassador, Al Bahr Temple AAONMS- 1989.
Past Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the Philippines- 1993.
Past Illustrious Grand Master, Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the Philippines -1993.
Past Grand Commander, Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the Philippines- 1990.
Past Prior, Filipinas Priory No. 61 KYCH.
Past Governor, Manila College No. 170 YRSCNA.
Associate Regent, Order of the Purple Cross, YRSCNA.
Past Preceptor, Sea of Tiberias LXX, HRAKTP.
Registrar, Sea of Tiberias Tabernacle No. LXX, HRAKTP.
Past Sovereign, Asoka Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine.
Past Celebrant and VII Grade, Pearl of the Orient College SRICF, Manila, Philippines.
Past Sovereign Master, Quezon City Council No. 507, Allied Masonic Degrees.
Excellent Chief, Lemuria Council, UD Knight Masons of the USA.
Knight Commander of the Temple 2009.
Knight Templar Cross of Honor 1991.
Silver Medal Awardee from the General Grand Chapter, RAM International- 2010.
Moordhurst Medal from the General Grand Council, Cryptic Masons International.
Past Presiding Officer of all Scottish Rite Bodies, Manila Bodies, A. & A.S.R. of Freemasonry.
Coroneted 33rd Degree, Inspector General Honorary, Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Republic of the Philippines.
Longest serving Grand Secretary- Recorder of the Grand York Rite Bodies of the Philippines (14 Years).