Get tips from the grand master on several different ways to recognize and celebrate an important time of year for California Masons: Youth Orders Month (March) and Public Schools Month (April). In addition to preparing for and upholding these important traditions set forth by past brethren to help our future, there are even more upcoming opportunities for both Masonic education and fellowship on the way.

Helpful Links

Masonic Scholarships – View the Masonic Scholarship Guide.

PR Kit for Lodges – Promote your Masonic Youth Orders Month or Public Schools Month activities using these PR resources.

4th International Conference on Freemasonry – Register to attend the 4th International Conference on Freemasonry at UCLA. Anyone can attend or purchase the webcast option to live stream the event.


To Be A Mason, Ask A Mason.

Please use our Contact page to inquire for more information, or use the Grand Lodge of California Lodge Locator at > Discover Masonry > Lodge Locator.

Grand Lodge of California Freemason logo image


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